Swiss Solutions Terms and Conditions

The website, hereinafter referred to as Swiss Solutions, is owned and managed by S.C. SWISS SOLUTIONS SRL, whose identification data is as follows: VAT Reg. No.: RO 16690284, registered with the Trade Register under no. J35/2362/2004, seated in Timișoara, str. Ion Cristoreanu, nr. 4, Timiș County, email:

The surfing on the Website, followed by “Request an estimate”, is equivalent to the reading, understanding and express acceptance of the terms below by any CustomerSwiss Solutions reserves the right to change and update, at any time, the content of this website and the Terms and Conditions of use, without any prior notice. In the event of disputes or misunderstandings between Swiss Solutions and the Customer, the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of the request for quotation apply.


Customer – a natural/legal person requesting a quotation.

Content – all the information on the Website which can be visited, viewed or accessed by using electronic equipment:

  • the content of any email sent to the Customers by via electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
  • any information communicated by any means by an employee/collaborator of Swiss Solutions, to the Customer, according to the contact information, whether specified or not by the latter;
  • information relating to the Services and/or rates charged by Swiss Solutions within a given period;
  • information relating to the Services and/or the rates charged by a third party with whom Swiss Solutions has concluded partnership contracts, within a given period;
  • data relating to Swiss Solutions, or other personal data thereof.

Swiss Solutions is the trade name of S.C. SWISS SOLUTIONS SRL, Romanian legal person, seated in Timisoara, str. Ion Cristoreanu, nr. 4, Trade Register no. J35/2362/2004, VAT Reg. No. RO16690284.

Quotation – The document Swiss Solutions sends to the Customer to inform the Customer of the final price for the ordered service.

Final invoice – The accounting document the Customer receives after agreeing the proposed price, underlying the payment.

Source language – the language a document is intended to be translated from.

Target language – the language a document is intended to be translated into.

Newsletter – regular, exclusively electronic (e-mail), means of informing about the Services and/or promotions provided by Swiss Solutions within a given period.

Services – translation, legalisation, interpretation and apostille services in the form of documents to be provided by Swiss Solutions to the Customer, based on documents and requirements clearly specified by the Customer.

Estimate Request – the request for quotation submitted by the Customer.

Transaction – collection or repayment of an amount resulting from the sale of a Service by Swiss Solutions to the Customer, by the use of the services provided by the card processor agreed by Swiss Solutions, irrespective of the delivery method, or by payment order.

Website – the domain and all the sections and subsections of the website.


a) By “Request an estimate”, the Customer agrees with the form of communication used by Swiss Solutions to carry out its commercial operations.

b) The notification received by the Customer, following the Estimate Request, has an informative role and it does not represent the acceptance of the Order.

c) For justified reasons, Swiss Solutions reserves the right to modify the amount of the Services covered by the request. Should it modify the amount of the Services covered by the Estimate Request, it shall inform the Customer via the email address or the telephone number provided to Swiss Solutions and it shall repay the amount paid.

d) The contract is deemed as concluded between Swiss Solutions and the Customer upon the receipt by the Customer from Swiss Solutions, via electronic mail and SMS, of the notification on the completed order.


Swiss Solutions may subcontract a third party (collaborators, freelancers) for Services related to the fulfilment of the Order by informing the Customer, whose agreement is not required. Swiss Solutions shall always be liable to the Customer for all contractual obligations.


The Content, as defined above, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on Website, is fully owned by Swiss Solutions, reserving all rights acquired in this regard, directly or indirectly.

5. Estimate Request

a) The Customer may make Requests on the Website using the “Request an estimate” Upon sending the request to Swiss Solutions, the Customer shall be contacted by Swiss Solutions and shall receive by e-mail the Quotation, which contains the final price for the requested service.

b) By pressing the “Request an estimate” button, the Customer agrees that all the data provided is accurate, complete and true.

c) By pressing the “Request an estimate” button, the Customer agrees that Swiss Solutions may contact them, by any means agreed by Swiss Solutions, whenever required.

d) Swiss Solutions may cancel the Estimate Request submitted by the Customer following a prior notice addressed to the Customer, without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party claiming damages from the other in the following cases:

– non-acceptance by the Customer’s card issuing bank of the transaction in the case of online payments;
– invalidation of the transaction by the card processor agreed by Swiss Solutions in the case of online payments;
– the data provided by the Customer on the Website is incomplete and/or incorrect;

– the Customer no longer pays for the service.


The translations shall be performed by translators certified by the Ministry of Justice, native translators or translators specialised in certain fields. At the request of the Customer, the documents translated by translators certified by the Ministry of Justice shall bear the signature(s) and the stamp(s) of the translator(s) performing the translation. At the express request of the CustomerSwiss Solutions shall also handle the legalisation of the translator(s)’s signature(s) by notary offices.


a) Swiss Solutions shall preserve the confidentiality of information of any kind provided by the Customer. The information provided may only be disclosed in compliance with the conditions set forth in the Terms and Conditions.

b) Throughout the project and two years afterwards, Swiss Solutions undertakes not to disclose to third parties any information regarding the Customer and the Customer’s activities or on the content of the documents, acts, data, drawings, sketches, plans, designs, generically called “Confidential Information”, which is received from the Customer or to which Swiss Solutions has access due to the nature of the services rendered, as well as any other information related to the Customer’s activity of which Swiss Solutions becomes aware in any way during the performance of the contract. All information received from the Customer shall be handled by Swiss Solutions as confidential regardless of whether or not the Customer specifies that the information is confidential, under the terms of this contract.

c) The confidentiality obligation is not deemed as breeched by Swiss Solutions where Swiss Solutions shall prove:

– that the information was legally accessible to the Website before being communicated by the Customer

– that the information was accessible to the general public before being communicated to the Website

– that the information was accessible to the general public/third parties after being communicated to the Website and is not culpable for making the information available to the general public/third parties.

– the information essentially corresponds to other information or documents disclosed at any time, legally, to the Website by an authorized third party, without imposing the obligation of confidentiality on the Website upon such disclosure;

d) This website takes all the security measures necessary to protect the personal information of our users. Upon the filling in with personal data on our website, the information shall be protected both offline and online.


The Customer may file complaints related to the non-compliance of the translations within 15 business days of receiving the documents translated by Swiss Solutions. Any complaint filed after this time shall no longer be taken into consideration and Swiss Solutions is relieved of any liability. Should the Customer detect translation mistakes, Swiss Solutions is obliged to remedy such mistakes, free of charge, within 2 business days.


The Deadline for the work shall be agreed by the parties for each project, taking into account its complexity. The deadline may vary according to the number of pages to be translated, the degree of difficulty of the text, the direction of the translation (from Romanian into a foreign language, from a foreign language into Romanian), the source language and the target language and the existence of images to be processed, and it shall be agreed jointly, in writing, only after Swiss Solutions confirms the receipt of documents to be translated. Simultaneous translations can be performed from and into all the languages set forth. Saturdays and Sundays are considered non-working days. The Swiss Solutions working hours are between 08:30 a.m. and 07:30 p.m.


a) The Customer may express the consent to receive Newsletters.

b) The Customer may decide to withdraw such consent given to Swiss Solutions at any time by contacting Swiss Solutions.


a) The price, payment method and payment term are specified in the Quotation received by the Customer via email after the Estimate Request submitted on the website

b) One page contains 1800 characters, Times New Roman font, size 12.


a) Swiss Solutions cannot be held liable for damages of any kind the Customer or any third party may incur as a result of Swiss Solutions’ performance of any of its obligations under the “Estimate Request” and for damages resulting from the use of the Services after delivery.

b) By selecting the “Request an estimate” button and/or the use of the Content, the Customer expressly and unambiguously accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Website in the latest updated version, communicated within the Website, in force at the date of use of the Content and/or the submission of the “Estimate Request”.


The Customer may ask any question directly to the Website via the chat box at the bottom of the page.


a) Data is collected:

– for informing Customers about the validation, dispatch and invoicing of the Orders, for solving cancellations or any issues related to a Quotation, to the purchased Services,

– for sending Newsletters and/or regular alerts via email.

– may disclose the Customer’s personal data to other partner companies, but only under a confidentiality commitment on their part and only for the purposes of providing the service to the Customer, guaranteeing that such data is kept safe and that such personal information is disclosed in accordance with the laws in force, as follows: courier service providers, marketing service providers, payment/banking service providers and external collaborators (freelancers)

– The Customer’s personal information may also be disclosed to the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, courts and other competent State bodies, on the basis of and within the limits of the legal provisions and as a result of express requests.


None of the parties shall be liable for the non-performance of its contractual obligations if such non-performance in due time and/or in an appropriate manner, in whole or in part, is due to a force majeure event.


This contract is subject to the Romanian laws. Any disputes arising between Swiss Solutions and the Customer will be resolved amicably or, should it not be possible, the disputes will be settled by the competent Romanian courts in Timișoara.